8th Fire Consulting is dedicated to supporting clients and associated Tribes with personalized project consultation and guidance. We work with our clients one-on-one to provide technical assistance in finding and applying for financial aid, networking help, negotiations with outside organizations, meeting facilitation, and customized Tribal Leader professional development training.
Offering over 25 years of expertise, we are positioned to assist clients with project work and personalized training in the areas of Tribal government, Tribal sovereignty, Tribal history, Public Law 93-638, budgeting, contracting, grant administration, purchasing and procurement, and beginning Anishinaabemowin language and culture.
8th Fire Consulting is a Native American-owned business and certified as an Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) by the SBA.
Empowering People To Build Better
Tribal Communities
Elevate your skills with personalized professional development training focused on Tribal government, sovereignty, history, and additional topics by request.
Provide expert project guidance, financial aid assistance, networking support, and meeting facilitation tailored to your needs. Plus, explore our book publishing services on request.
As a researcher on renewable energy adoption, I have collaborated with Sarah Smith and 8th Fire Consulting for more than five years. It has been my great pleasure to work with her. She is knowledgeable, responsive, and well-connected in the Tribal Nation renewables world. Sarah is a leader in the field of Tribal Nation renewable energy projects, knowledgeable in funding opportunities, challenges and how to overcome them, and in working successfully across communities to move toward project implementation.
Kathy Halvorsen
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